Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Renaissance Carnival

Renaissance Carnival is on May 25th and we need donations for prizes any and all volunteers! If you would like to donate prizes, candy (any kind), beach balls, birthday party favor type things, it would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off in the front office or to Mrs. Horsley (8th grade), Ms. Grotke (7th grade) or Mrs. W. Leonard (6th grade). If you would like to sign up to help with the carnival on May 25th please go to the following . If all slots are filled for the time you would like to help, please still come to the school, we would love to have extra adults helping out! If you would like to help with bagging popcorn and cotton candy on May 24th or donating a few supplies. Please go to the following: As always thank you!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

2016 Middle School Art Show