Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Visual Composition Website Grades

Hello my lovely Visual Compers! I went to grade your blogs/electronic portfolios and found that 18 of you - THAT'S EIGHTEEN STUDENTS - did not have what they needed. Knowing how fabulous you all are I think this might just be a publishing issue. Please check to make sure you have the following:

Home Page - Artist Statement
Sketchbook Page - 2-5 pics of your sketchbook drawings
Artwork Page - Your colored pencil open/shut projects

Additionally, if you have a pic of your Reflections projects you can include that pic too!
Most students have completed their artist statements but did not add the pictures of their artwork. Some of you have either sketchbook missing OR project missing. Only two students have nothing at all updated.  I know you have been doing the work because I have seen you doing it in class!

Make sure you "preview" then "publish" is you are using the app to update your blog. If you are using a computer website you need to "save" then "publish."

As always - email me if you need help. These were do at the end of class today but I will check again at 9pm before finalizing grades.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Visual Comp

Just a friendly reminder that your electronic portfolio/Weebly blog updates are due tomorrow by the end of class. You need to have your artist statement, 2-5 sketchbook pics, and your color penciled project uploaded to your website. Information on writing your artist statement is in the previous blog post.

Let me know if you need any help!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Artist Statement

Do you need help writing the artist statement? Here is a great resource to walk you through the process!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

End of Quarter

It is hard to imagine that we only have 7 days left before the end of the 1st quarter. Here is a quick checklist of things that we will be grading before the end.

  1. Current Project
  2. Sketchbook/30 Day Drawing Challenge
  3. Bell Ringers
If you have an incomplete on any project or you would like to improve your grade you have until Wednesday, October 9th to turn them in.