Friday, December 16, 2016
Monday, December 12, 2016
Visual Comp 1 Assessment
This is due on Friday 12/16. Absolutely no late grace period. If you do not turn it in you will receive a zero. Please make sure you answer ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION. This needs to be typed and handed in. Use this handout to help you answer the questions.
Common assessment #1: Art History
you have created so far in 8th VA COMP. Compare this artwork with an artist's artwork(s) from the
past/present and answer the following questions:
Common assessment #1: Art History
Throughout time, artists have built upon each other’s influence. An artist can view a work from the past
and become inspired to build on ideas and develop a unique approach of his/her own. Select an artworkyou have created so far in 8th VA COMP. Compare this artwork with an artist's artwork(s) from the
past/present and answer the following questions:
-Who is the influencing artist and why was/is their work impactful? (at least 5 sentences)
-What is similar about your work and the artist's work? What is different?
(focus on style, media, subject matter, purpose and outside influences)
-Do you think this artist would have liked your work? Why or why not? (at least 2 sentences)
You can do this through:
-a written 3 paragraph essay
-a compare and contrast chart
-a powerpoint or similar presentation
-a sticky note visual with commentary
-a recorded interview on camera
-a recorded interview on camera
Portfolio Requirements for VC1
There seems to be some confusing about what needs to be on your website by 12/14/2016. Please refer to the original blog post. You need to have the following pages:
1. Home page - with your artist statement on it
2. Sketchbook page - with four of your best drawings on it
3. Altered book page - with 2-4 of your best pages on it
4. Projects page - colored pencil, painting, reflections, color wheel and print on it.
5. Assessment - We will have an assessment this week that needs to be on it.
Please remember what we went over about taking photographs for the website and how to crop pictures in order to put emphasis on the artwork and not the bush in the background! Please take the time to make this portfolio look personal by adding your own pics or copyright appropriate pics in the headers. Do not use default pics!
If you have any additional questions please see me when you can or email.
1. Home page - with your artist statement on it
2. Sketchbook page - with four of your best drawings on it
3. Altered book page - with 2-4 of your best pages on it
4. Projects page - colored pencil, painting, reflections, color wheel and print on it.
5. Assessment - We will have an assessment this week that needs to be on it.
Please remember what we went over about taking photographs for the website and how to crop pictures in order to put emphasis on the artwork and not the bush in the background! Please take the time to make this portfolio look personal by adding your own pics or copyright appropriate pics in the headers. Do not use default pics!
If you have any additional questions please see me when you can or email.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Spelling Bee!
The annual McClure Spelling Bee will be held on Friday,
January 13th at 9:30. All interested students should sign up no later
than December 30th. Your family is welcome to attend the bee and should
check in to the front office before joining us in the theater. Please be
mindful of the necessity for a silent environment during the bee. This
may not be the place for younger siblings who cannot sit quietly for long
periods of time.
*New to this year's bee will be one vocabulary round.
This is something new that has been added to the Scripps National
Spelling Bee and we have been asked to expose you to this new format.
This round will be low stress and will not cause elimination. It is just to let
you see how the new format will work.
Links to this year's school bee study materials can be found
on Mrs. Burchette's Blog (7th Grade Teacher).
All students interested in practicing as a group are welcome
to attend study sessions in Mrs. Burchette's room on Wednesday mornings
starting at 8:00. Our first study session will be Wednesday, December
Monday, November 28, 2016
Mural Contest

Large Scale Mural Design Call to Artists: Project description: Create a design that represents the history of the city of Kennesaw, Georgia.
Sketch guidelines: Create a sketch that is 11 x 17" horizontal using any medium depicting your design of the history of the City of Kennesaw, GA.
The chosen design will be enlarged to create a wheat paste mural that will be on display in downtown Kennesaw GA. in the spring of 2017.
More details: Sketches will be reviewed by the Historical Preservation Commission and the City Council and a winner will be selected. The Kennesaw Art and Culture Commission is working with the owners of the Eaton Chiropractic building in downtown Kennesaw to install a temporary wheat paste mural March through April 2017. The winning student/students will be invited to be a part of the mural installation process.
Due date: February 17, 2017
Where to send sketches: Darryl Simmons Zoning Administrator 2529 J O Stephenson Ave Kennesaw, GA 30144 or you can email a high quality image (minimum 5.5x8.5" and 300 dpi) to
Friday, November 18, 2016

Monday, November 14, 2016
Visual Comp Online Portfolios
Between now and when we return from Thanksgiving break you need to set up y our Visual Composition 1 Online Portfolio. This is ONLY for the students in the AC Art class in 8th grade.
I have set up your pages and log-in ahead of time. Your log in is FirstnameLastinitial2016. Please note that the first letter of your first name and first letter of last name are capitals. Everyone has the same password right now which is mcclurems. Please change your password after you have logged in the first time. Logan M., Faith B., and Jordan H. will all need to use their FirstnameLastname2016 to log in. Same rules for capitals apply.
Once you are logged in successfully, and changed your password (write it down someplace secure!) then you can start designing. Here is a video that shows you step-by-step what you need to do. Have fun with it and make it your own!
Ignore the log-in information in this video and log-in here:
Spend some time looking at some former VC1 students websites to get an idea of what needs to be included. Those can be found here. By the time we see each other next I would like you to have a title for your blog with your name in it. You should also have pages set up that are sketchbook, altered book, projects, and assessments. Feel free to add any additional pages you would like to add.
Please add your Reflections project pic to your projects page. If you get stuck email me at and I will help you. Have fun with this and let me see your creativity shine!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Directions for 8th Grade Folding
Here you will find the folding directions for the four different shapes that you will need for your sculpture. Click the image to go to the video instructions.

Monday, October 3, 2016
Color Mixing Guide
Do you need a little help finding the right colors for your painting project? Use this great interactive color mixing guide!
Friday, September 23, 2016
Art Club!
Art club is going strong on Friday morning. We meet from 8 - 8:45 and have over 60 students! If you missed art club today we signed up for REMIND so that we can communicate more easily. Please use the information below to sign up!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Important Information!
This week in art we are wrapping up grades for the first six weeks. Students in grades 7 and 8 who have not taken the color theory quiz will be taking the quiz on Wednesday, September 7th. All students should have completed their rubric and reflections for the colored pencil project by Friday. If you were absent please see me. If you did not complete your project I am still available for extra help in the mornings at 8 am and in the afternoon by appointment. Incomplete projects will not receive a passing grade! I will be pulling sketchbooks for grades on Thursday, you should have at least two complete 30 day drawing challenges by now. Don't hesitate to see me if you have anything incomplete.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Color Theory Quiz
Color Theory Quiz is Friday, September 2nd. You will need to know: how to re-create the color wheel, primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors (intermediate), complementary colors, warm colors, cool colors, neutral colors, analogous and split complements. Please use these resources to help you prepare. You can also use the Socrative found here.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Visual Comp 1
Homework can be dreadful, but a necessary evil sometimes. Please leave your name as a comment to this post so that I know you have been here.
Color Schemes
As we study color theory in the art room this week take some time to look at the color scheme PowerPoint. How can we use value of a hue to add to these color schemes?
Use this information to study for your color theory quiz on Friday, September 2nd.
Which color scheme(s) will you chose for your painting? What mood does it make you feel?

Which color scheme(s) will you chose for your painting? What mood does it make you feel?
Monday, August 22, 2016
Just a friendly reminder that you are required to have your sketchbook (which lives in the art room and does not leave without permission), a wooden pencil (unicorn), and your agenda every day.
You may also want to bring your own colored pencils, an eraser, and a hand help pencil sharpener!
You may also want to bring your own colored pencils, an eraser, and a hand help pencil sharpener!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Renaissance Carnival
Renaissance Carnival is on May 25th and we need donations for prizes any and all volunteers!
If you would like to donate prizes, candy (any kind), beach balls, birthday party favor type things, it would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be dropped off in the front office or to Mrs. Horsley (8th grade), Ms. Grotke (7th grade) or Mrs. W. Leonard (6th grade).
If you would like to sign up to help with the carnival on May 25th please go to the following . If all slots are filled for the time you would like to help, please still come to the school, we would love to have extra adults helping out!
If you would like to help with bagging popcorn and cotton candy on May 24th or donating a few supplies. Please go to the following:
As always thank you!
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Did you know that the Book Fair raises money for our school’s Media Center program? It helps fund all of our contests and events, as well as provides us with books for giveaways. Book Fair proceeds also help us buy new furniture and student supplies.
Check out this website to shop online or preview some titles that we’ll be carrying. Or, you can SHOP ONLINE NOW & have your books delivered to your homeroom!
Hours of Operation:
Thursday, March 24-SALE-8:20-3:30
Friday, March 25-SALE-8:20-3:30
Monday, March 27-SALE-8:20-3:30
Tuesday, March 28-SALE-8:20-Intermission of the Talent Show
Wednesday, March 29-SALE-8:20-3:30
Thursday, March 31-SALE-8:20-3:30
Friday, April 1-SALE-8:20-9:30am
Find more information on Ms. Harpin's blog here!
Monday, March 21, 2016
Tutoring Session Information…
The McClure weekly tutoring sessions we have held since September have concluded for this year. Thank you for your participation.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
Rett Grayson
Spend a little time getting to know artist Loretta Rett Grayson. You can find her work here.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Introduction to Roy Lichtenstien
Roy Lichtenstein from mjarry
Friday, February 19, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Color, Color, Everywhere!

Friday, February 5, 2016
Fine Arts Night!
There is a great deal of artistic talent here at McClure! We will be hosting a Fine Arts Night in order to showcase the various art forms on Thursday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m. The following musical and visual arts will be featured.
• Want to learn to improve the quality of those digital photos we make of cherished moments with family and friends? Ms. Harpin will be teaching a session on digital photo editing in the Media Center.
• Ms. Heyser, our art teacher, will have several "hands on" art activities in the Atrium for all to enjoy.
• How about tapping into your inner Picasso? Mr. Gandolfo and Coach Boone will be leading a canvas painting class in the Art room. You'll definitely want to try it out, even if you consider yourself to be a novice painter.
• Poetry readings by McClure students will be featured.
• Musical performances will include the Jazz Band, Saxophone Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, and Chamber Sound, as well as Ladies Choral Ensemble.
This is a unique opportunity to experience the many facets of Fine Arts represented here at McClure.
This is a FUN evening, so please plan to stop by and check it out!
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Drawing Unit Quiz Review
Go here for the Socrataive.
Room is:VAudPtAl
Test is Monday, February 8th!
Friday, January 15, 2016
What's your perspective on perspective drawing?
Do you love it? Do you hate it? Does it make you all warm and fuzzy inside? Perspective drawing is one of those things that usually causes students to have a strong opinion! This year we are making it fun and giving students lots of choice over their subject matter. When doing research for this lesson I found many perspective drawing tutorials. I am sharing one here that I think will be very helpful.
Need a little perspective inspiration?
[gallery type="slideshow" size="medium" link="none" ids="114,113,112,111,110,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,95,94,93"]
Friday, January 8, 2016
It's Sketchbook Time!
All students are required to have an unlined spiral sketchbook by 1/11/2016.
Sketchbooks need to be spiral bound and 8 X 10 or bigger.
They are on sale right now at Michael's for 50% off!
Here is a fun little video showing many different uses for sketchbooks. Enjoy!
Monday, January 4, 2016
Teacher: Jennifer Heyser Phone: 678.331.8131
Email: BLOG:
The blog is linked from the teacher blogs on the McClure website. It is important to check the blog weekly for updates on current assignments, handouts, rubrics, and due dates.
Course Description:
The art program is designed to review or introduce the elements of art and the design principles. Students will gain a visual vocabulary as they will be asked to write in a daily art sketchbook. In addition, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics will be explored in the various units of study. While the sixth grade program is an introduction to art, the seventh and eighth year programs are designed to continually develop the artistic skills of the students. Units may vary from semester to semester.
Students are required to have several wooden pencils, eraser and their agenda every day. Students also need to bring in a sketchbook to be kept in class and used daily. It is not required, but students may also want to bring their own pencil sharpener and colored pencils to class each day as well.
Grade Breakdown
Percent Georgia Performance Standard Strand Examples of what may be graded in each strand
60% Production - Main projects/ Summative Projects/ Sketchbooks/ Visual Journals/ Planning Documents & Sketches/Class work
15% Contextual Understanding - Art History Assignments/ Connections with other areas/ Art Careers/ Life Skills
25% Assessment and Reflection - Critiques/ Self Assessment/ Aesthetic Responses
Make-up Expectations/ Reassessment:
It is the student’s responsibility to be prompt and prepared for class each day, to work within the rules and guidelines of the classroom, to complete all assignments, to make-up any work missed due to absence. Make-up work will be dealt with on an individual basis depending on duration of absence from class. Most work can be made up in the mornings from 8:15 – 8:45 a.m. If students need to do-over a particular production assignment to be reassessed, they may for full credit. However, they must turn in that reassessment project within one week of receiving their production grade.
Guidelines for Success:
Appropriate and focused behavior is critical to every student’s success in this class. Therefore, behavior will be monitored using the behavior card described in the student agenda. Please review your child’s behavior card with them frequently and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. ABSOLUTELY NO GUM IN ART CLASS.
Tutoring and Extra Studio Time:
Tutoring or extra studio time is available on Wednesday morning from 8:00 – 8:50 a.m. If students need extra time to complete an assignment or one-on-one help from me, they just need me to sign a pass in their agenda the day before. I am also available on Tuesdays and Fridays for art club at the same time. You are welcome to join us!
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