Monday, December 11, 2017

Visual Comp Semester Assessment

Students in Visual Composition 1 please upload your "Masterpiece Mashup" under the assessments page of your Weebly blog.

You need to have the following: The picture of the artwork, the original title you gave the artwork, and your artists statement. You artist statement should have a creative title,  a detailed description of  the "mash-up" and a detailed description of art elements and art principles used in the artwork.  This should be a good 2-3 paragraphs worth of writing. Make sure to include information you know about your artists style of art.

The rubric they will use evaluate you can be found here. Remember this assignment will be judged on the county level to see if you are meeting the requirements for this advanced placement art class.

I can not express enough the importance of you taking the time to do this right! If you have any urgent questions email me at and I will try to get back to you the same day.

Miss you guys!

Friday, November 17, 2017

PowerPoints for Ms. O'K

While I am gone you will get to watch all of these wonderful PowerPoints and do a project inspired by each artist! Ms. O'K will give you the steps but you bring the creativity! I will be excited to see your work while I am home recovering from knee surgery!

Keith Haring

Pablo Picasso

Wassily Kandinsky

Roy Lichtenstein

Paul Cezanne

Have fun learning about these amazing artists!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Sculpture Unit

It's that exciting time in the art room when we begin our sculpture unit. We will be having a quiz on the vocabulary quiz on Monday, November 6th. Please use your notes from class and the PowerPoint to study!

Monday, October 30, 2017


The McClure Staff is celebrating HALLOWEEN in a BIG way TOMORROW, so dig in the couch cushions, look under the car seats, and check your pockets for LOOSE change!  You will be voting for BEST COSTUME TOMORROW (Clearly Ms. Heyser)!!  ALL PROCEEDS benefit our Maverick Miracle Tree to assist our McClure families in need!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Career Day!

McClure Middle School is having their Annual 8th grade Career Day on Friday, November 17, 2017.  We are looking for parents and community members who would love to share their careers with 8th grade classes. 

If you are interested in being an ambassador for your career, please complete the short (very short) form using the QR code below.  Questions can be directed to Connie Plunkett-Thompson at

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Great Opportunity!

  Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 11.34.29 AM

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta would like to invite Cobb County middle school students to submit their original artwork for display in the new Town Center Outpatient Care Center.   Some of the pieces may even be enlarged for special use in select areas!
The theme of this facility is “Nurture through Nature”.  We invite local students to create works of art that exhibit the beauty of nature, and how our connection with nature can affect our well-being.
  • Artwork must be submitted on 11”x14” sheets of art paper (horizontal or vertical)
  • Artwork can be submitted using the following mediums: Cray-Pas (crayon pastels), tempera paint, or markers.  *Crayon pastels are the most preferred medium.
  • Please include the student’s name, grade, and school for each submitted piece of artwork.
Artwork must be received by no later than October 30, 2017, in order to be considered.

Friday, October 13, 2017

In The News

This Leonardo DaVinci painting, considered the last one privately owned, is going up for auction this week. It is expected to sell for close to $100 million dollars! Do you see any similarities between this painting and the Mona Lisa? If you know the answer tomorrow in class I will have a surprise for you!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Enduring Themes in Art

As we explore those "Big Ideas" that are behind art making and meaning, spend some time thinking about enduring themes. How does your work fit into one of these themes? What message are you trying to communicate with your art?  I am excited to see your ideas coming together as we create our own books representing our chosen theme!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Where's Ms. Heyser?

Fall break was a nice opportunity to get away, relax and reflect. One of the things I love to do with my free time is to see art! This break I was fortunate to visit Howard Finster's Paradise Garden. He is Georgia's most famous folk artist. Check out his garden and work here.

Monday, October 2, 2017


MakerSpace Sessions for October
During the month of October, Tuesdays will be Open Exploration days in the MakerSpace & Thursdays will be Challenge Days. The October Challenge will be Pom-Pom Pumpkin Launchers. See Mrs. Harpin's Blog for more information & visit the Media Center to get a Mav Block stamp to reserve your spot! Passes will be stamped no more than 24 hours in advance of each Mav Block and are limited to 20 students for each session. Study Hall passes are available first come, first served at the atrium study hall desk each morning. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

I know many of you are tired of me reminding you, but FRIDAY (October 6th) is the last day of the quarter. That means any unfinished projects that need to be completed need to be into me by Friday morning. I can come in early if you need extra time or you can get a Mav block stamp. Make a plan to get it done, you do not want a failing grade for a major project!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Take an Art Break

If you want to do something exciting with your week off, and you are staying in town, visit The High Museum of Art! There are a lot of great exhibitions right now, including one you can interact with outside. Go here for more information.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Reflections Projects Due!

This is a friendly reminder that all Reflections Projects are due on Monday, October 2nd.  No exceptions for lateness since I extended the deadline to include our week off. Please don't forget to bring in your signed student entry form.

I can't wait to see all your amazing artwork!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Color Quiz This Friday!

ALL students will be taking a color quiz this Friday. Please use the presentation above to help you study.

Friday, September 1, 2017

PTA Reflections

It's that time of year! I am excited to share with you this year's PTA Reflections theme "Within Reach." All students are welcome to participate!

ALL students in Visual Composition I are required to submit an entry in Visual Arts by Friday, October 2nd. Please see important information attached below.

Student Entry Form
Reflections Official Rules
Parent Consent Form
Special Artist Division Rules

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Visual Compers - it's time!

A friendly reminder to my students in Visual Composition 1 - the end of the first grading period is tomorrow. Get your website assignment done by 8am tomorrow if you want a late grade instead of a zero. :)

Friday, August 25, 2017

Colored Pencils

As our drawing unit comes to a close we are using everything we have learned in one final colored pencil project. It's exciting! Here is a link if you want to review techniques

6th - Illuminated Letters
7th - Mannequin Still Life
8th - Emotion Monsters

If you have your own colored pencils now is the time to bring them to class!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Visual Composition Online Portfolio

Please spend sometime exploring the Weebly platform and choosing the theme of your website. We will begin adding our work very soon! . I have set up your pages and log-in ahead of time. Your log in is FirstnameLastinitial2017. Please note that the first letter of your first name and first letter of last name are capitals. Everyone has the same password right now which is mcclurems. Please change your password after you have logged in the first time. Once you are logged in successfully, and changed your password (write it down someplace secure!) then you can start designing. Here is a video that shows you step-by-step what you need to do. Have fun with it and make it your own!

Ignore the log-in information in this video and log-in here:

Spend some time looking at some former VC1 students websites to get an idea of what needs to be included. Those can be found here. By the time we see each other next I would like you to have a title for your blog with your name in it. If you want to work ahead add pages  that are sketchbook, , projects, and assessments. Feel free to add any additional pages you would like to add. If you get stuck email me at and I will help you. Have fun with this and let me see your creativity shine!

Monday, August 7, 2017


Monday, July 31, 2017

2017-2018 Syllabus

Teacher:   Jennifer Heyser                                 Phone:  678.331.8131
Email:                BLOG:
The blog is also linked from the teacher blogs on the McClure website. It is important to check the blog weekly for updates on current assignments, handouts, rubrics, and due dates. 

Course Description:

The art program is designed to review or introduce the elements of art and the design principles.  Students will gain a visual vocabulary as they will be asked to write in a daily art sketchbook. In addition, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics will be explored in the various units of study.  While the sixth grade program is an introduction to art, the seventh and eighth year programs are designed to continually develop the artistic skills of the students. Units may vary from semester to semester.


Students are required to have several wooden pencils, eraser and their agenda every day.  Students also need to bring in a spiral bound sketchbook (9 x 12) to be kept in class and used daily.  It is not required, but students may also want to bring their own pencil sharpener and colored pencils to class each day.

Grade Breakdown
Georgia Performance Standard Strand
Examples of what may be graded in each strand
Main projects/ Summative Projects/ Sketchbooks/ Visual Journals/ Planning Documents & Sketches/Class work
Contextual Understanding
Art History Assignments/ Connections with other areas/ Art Careers/ Life Skills
Assessment and Reflection
Critiques/ Self-Assessment/ Aesthetic Responses/Tests

Make-up Expectations:
It is the student’s responsibility to be prompt and prepared for class each day, to work within the rules and guidelines of the classroom, to complete all assignments, to make-up any work missed due to absence. Make-up work will be dealt with on an individual basis depending on duration of absence from class. Most work can be made up in the mornings from 8:15 – 8:45 a.m. or by appointment. Students are responsible for completing missing or incomplete assignments. Incomplete work will receive a grade of zero.

Guidelines for Success:
Appropriate and focused behavior is critical to every student’s success in this class.  Therefore, behavior will be monitored using the behavior card described in the student agenda.  Please review your child’s behavior card with them frequently and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Enrichment and Extra Studio Time:

Tutoring or extra studio time is available on Wednesday morning from 8:00 – 8:50 a.m.  If students need extra time to complete an assignment or one-on-one help from me, they just need me to sign a pass in their agenda the day before.  I am also available by appointment if these times do not work.

Class Wish-List:

If you have any extra of the following that you would like to donate to our class, it would be GREATLY appreciated:

·      Sharpies (any color, any size)

·      Fabric scraps/yarn/sewing items

·      Scrap wood or building blocks

·      Altoid Tins (or similar tins)

·      Old mechanical items for disassembly, with gears preferred

·      Fake flowers or other greenery

·      Spray paint – any colors

·      Knick-knack objects, small found objects like gumball machine items

·      Interesting objects for still life- chair, picture frames, iron, radio, old cameras, etc.

·      Kleenex and hand sanitizer

Monday, May 8, 2017

Calling All 8th Graders!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

End of Year Deadlines

All artwork is available for pick-up in the art room NOW for current students.

1st Semester Art Students can pick up their artwork on the tables next to the Grand Staircase.

Visual Composition Students

1. All Final Exam Projects and Essays Due on Friday, May 19th.

2. All art portfolio blogs need to be updated. This is a requirement and a grade. Due on Monday, May 22nd.

Please refer to the original blog post. You need to have the following pages:

1. Home page - with your artist statement on it
2. Sketchbook page - with 8-10 of your best drawings on it
3. Altered book page - with 6-8 of your best pages on it-include drawing!
4. Projects page - colored pencil, painting, reflections, color wheel, print, art show pieces, final project, clay bowls, cubes, and any other assignments you have done in here or at home. The more you have, the stronger your portfolio!
5. Assessment - Both assessments should be on this page - including the writing. Do not upload a picture of your writing - type it in!

Please remember what we went over about taking photographs for the website and how to crop pictures in order to put emphasis on the artwork and not the bush in the background! Take the time to make this portfolio look personal by adding your own pics or copyright appropriate pics in the headers. Do not use default pics!

If you have any additional questions please see me when you can or email.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Cool Mash-Up Art

This is a mix of art genres

A mix of two artists....Haring and Mondrian

Be creative, do some research, and ask for help when you need to!

Visual Comp Final Assignment/Exam

The theme for the production assignment will be “Artistic Mash-Up” focusing on art elements and principles of design.  This production assignment will involve students infusing or “mashing” two or more concepts within the visual arts together to create a new, innovative artwork.


Possible mash-ups can span different artists, time periods, media and more!  It will be up to the teacher and student to take the concept in an innovative direction.


Possible ideas include “mashing” of:


-different artists (different Masters, old and modern, etc.)

-different historic art genres

-different media and materials

-different arts areas (history, criticism, production and aesthetics)

-different subject areas (Art and Math, Art and Science, etc.)

-different art careers

-different objects (natural vs. mechanical, real vs. mythical, etc.)

-and more!


 The final product must include:

The finished artwork

Artwork title

Artist statement (Description of the Mash-up Concept and Elements/Principles used)

Here is a copy of the rubric - use it to check your work along the way.

This is your final exam. You have two weeks to do it and I will not accept it late. This must be turned in on Friday, May 19th by the end of class.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


What a wonderful turn out at the Acworth Cultural Art Center this weekend. Many art stars gathered to celebrate the hard work of McClure Artists this year. We were very fortunate to be joined by Acworth mayor Tommy Allegood! Three students were chosen for best in show.

Congratulations to Olivia, Caroline, and Charlotte!

Thursday, April 13, 2017


McClure is very lucky to announce that ceramic artist Ernesto Guevara will be a guest artist on April 27th. We will be learning about the ancient culture of Chupicuaro and creating traditional hand built pottery together.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The McClure art show is coming! Please mark your calendars for awards night on Saturday, April 22 from 6-8pm at the Acworth Cultural Arts Center. Please plan to come and help us celebrate all the art work the art students have done this year! All Visual Composition 1 students are required to be there so please plan accordingly. It will be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Installation Art

Would you be willing to be covered in Cheetos for the sake of art? What about being covered in polka dots? Explore more installation art and artists below.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Mark It On Your Calendar!

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Crayon Lab Film Festival

Click below to view our artist biographies!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Paper Slide/Green Screen Videos

As you prepare for your artist video biography project please take a look at the below list if you need inspiration!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017

Perspective Drawing

If you enjoyed learning the basics of perspective drawing in art class, you might also enjoy some of the additional perspective drawing lessons found here.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Unsung Heroes

 The ArtEffect Project, with a $7,500 grand prize, gives students grades 6-12 an opportunity to generate unique, creative interpretations both literal and abstract that honor the legacies of Unsung Heroes in an array of artistic mediums. LMC’s arts initiative aims to teach students the power they have to create positive change in the world through visual storytelling. Students may choose between celebrating an already discovered Unsung Hero or discovering a new Unsung Hero to share with the world. Last year one of our very own was a finalist in this competition! If you are interested in participating please see me or go here for more information.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Upside Down

In class this week we are talking about the difference between left and right brain functions. As we explore our drawing unit we are finding it easier to draw something detailed when it is upside down. This forces us to look at the lines and shapes (positive and negative) that make up the design instead of trying to draw something specific (ie: bamboo, woman, hut).  If you want to practice at home I have included the image here. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Art Journal Every Day

If you are taking any of the art classes offered this semester you will be using a sketchbook almost every day. Sometimes these are called: art journals, visual-verbal journals, altered books and several other monikers. Here is a great website that will provide you with lots of inspiration in the coming months!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Behind The Mask

This is a reminder to anyone creating artwork for the Behind The Mask exhibit at the Big Shanty Art Station. Projects are due first thing Thursday morning when you come to school! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. Happy New Year!