Monday, July 31, 2017

2017-2018 Syllabus

Teacher:   Jennifer Heyser                                 Phone:  678.331.8131
Email:                BLOG:
The blog is also linked from the teacher blogs on the McClure website. It is important to check the blog weekly for updates on current assignments, handouts, rubrics, and due dates. 

Course Description:

The art program is designed to review or introduce the elements of art and the design principles.  Students will gain a visual vocabulary as they will be asked to write in a daily art sketchbook. In addition, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics will be explored in the various units of study.  While the sixth grade program is an introduction to art, the seventh and eighth year programs are designed to continually develop the artistic skills of the students. Units may vary from semester to semester.


Students are required to have several wooden pencils, eraser and their agenda every day.  Students also need to bring in a spiral bound sketchbook (9 x 12) to be kept in class and used daily.  It is not required, but students may also want to bring their own pencil sharpener and colored pencils to class each day.

Grade Breakdown
Georgia Performance Standard Strand
Examples of what may be graded in each strand
Main projects/ Summative Projects/ Sketchbooks/ Visual Journals/ Planning Documents & Sketches/Class work
Contextual Understanding
Art History Assignments/ Connections with other areas/ Art Careers/ Life Skills
Assessment and Reflection
Critiques/ Self-Assessment/ Aesthetic Responses/Tests

Make-up Expectations:
It is the student’s responsibility to be prompt and prepared for class each day, to work within the rules and guidelines of the classroom, to complete all assignments, to make-up any work missed due to absence. Make-up work will be dealt with on an individual basis depending on duration of absence from class. Most work can be made up in the mornings from 8:15 – 8:45 a.m. or by appointment. Students are responsible for completing missing or incomplete assignments. Incomplete work will receive a grade of zero.

Guidelines for Success:
Appropriate and focused behavior is critical to every student’s success in this class.  Therefore, behavior will be monitored using the behavior card described in the student agenda.  Please review your child’s behavior card with them frequently and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Enrichment and Extra Studio Time:

Tutoring or extra studio time is available on Wednesday morning from 8:00 – 8:50 a.m.  If students need extra time to complete an assignment or one-on-one help from me, they just need me to sign a pass in their agenda the day before.  I am also available by appointment if these times do not work.

Class Wish-List:

If you have any extra of the following that you would like to donate to our class, it would be GREATLY appreciated:

·      Sharpies (any color, any size)

·      Fabric scraps/yarn/sewing items

·      Scrap wood or building blocks

·      Altoid Tins (or similar tins)

·      Old mechanical items for disassembly, with gears preferred

·      Fake flowers or other greenery

·      Spray paint – any colors

·      Knick-knack objects, small found objects like gumball machine items

·      Interesting objects for still life- chair, picture frames, iron, radio, old cameras, etc.

·      Kleenex and hand sanitizer